10 Must-Read Manifestation Books To Attract a Better Life

When it comes to using the Law of Attraction there is no better source to learn from than the ones who have mastered it already. Fortunately, there is no shortage of people who have manifested real success in their lives. Some of them have written captivating manifestation books that serve precious teachings to those who are still learning to manifest their dreams and desires.

Best books about manifestation and the law of attraction

Check out our selection of the best manifestation books you can get your hands on!


The Secret Law of Attraction: Master the Power of Intention – by Katherine Hurst

This book by Katherine Hurst is one of the few books similar to the Secret that you can use to manifest your deepest desires. It is packed with positive advice and offers straightforward guidelines on how to attract a better life. You should find it easy to read and a perfect starting point to learning the power of intention.

The Secret Law Of Attraction Book

Check it out here


Wealth Beyond Reason Handbook: Mastering the Law of Attraction – by Bob Doyle

If you want to manifest wealth into your life, you should find in Bob Doyle’s book a trustworthy guide for your intentions. The author has put in an impressive amount of hard work to explain the true nature of one of the most prevalent laws in the Universe. This volume should give you a clear idea about how to attract prosperity and affluence.

Book on Mastering The Law Of Attraction

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The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Few manifestation books talk about the Law of Attraction as clearly as Dr. Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention. This volume shows how important it is to act with full and positive desire in all your endeavors. Whether you are looking to attract money or love in your life, you should be able to reach your goals by following the lessons in this book.

Book: The Power Of Intention

Check it out here


The Science of Getting Rich – by Wallace D. Wattles

It is no secret that most people who use the Law of Attraction do it to manifest more money into their lives. Wallace D. Wattles finds this practice to be a noble endeavor and offers a scientific analysis of how you can get rich by overcoming your mental barriers. Reading it should help you get rid of the negativity that stands between you and satisfying wealth.

Book about how to manifest riches and abundance

Check it out here


Creative Meditation and Manifestation: Using Your 21 Innate Powers to Create Your Life by Amara Honeck

If you are looking for manifestation books that never leave your bedside table, you cannot go wrong with Amara Hoeneck’s guide to creative meditation. This volume helps you discover that the power to change your life comes from within, and it offers essential tips on how to do it. In its pages, you should find the ideal combination of meditation techniques and tangible manifestation.

Book About Creative Meditation And Manifestation

Check it out here


Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires – by Esther and Jerry Hicks

One of the best manifestation books you can read comes from Esther Hicks and her late husband, Jerry Hicks. This volume combines religion with the power of the Law of Attraction to give answers to those who want to manifest desire and reach a new level of understanding of the world.

Check it out here


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – by Joseph Murphy

When it comes to books on manifesting your dreams, you cannot read better ones than this awe-inspiring volume from Joseph Murphy. In this international bestseller, the writer analyzes the potential of manifestation in our subconscious minds and come up with relevant solutions on how to master it. If you were looking for a way of understanding yourself better, you will find it in its pages.

Book about the power of your subconcious mind

Check it out here


Think and Grow Rich – by Napoleon Hill

This volume by Napoleon Hill is one of those manifestation books that you cannot stop reading. It was first published in 1937, but it still offers relevant lessons on how to attract and manifest wealth into your life even today. Hill’s philosophy sums up in his famous words “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” which you can adopt as a personal mantra.

Think And Grow Rich book

Check it out here


As a Man Thinketh – by James Allen

This essay is one of the earliest books like the Secret that you can read to get a better grip on your power of manifestation. It first appeared in 1902, and since then it was published in millions of copies that inspired several generations worldwide to attract a better life.

As a man thinketh

Check it out here


Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days – by Kathrin Zenkina

This book takes a 21st-century look at the Law of Manifestation. The author uses the millennia-old universal truth behind the power of manifestation and creates a guide to manifesting money fast and attracting as much as $1,000 in just 21 days. If you are looking for a straightforward method of manifesting your wealth dreams, you can find it in its pages.

Book about how to unleash your inner power to manifest money

Check it out here


Summing Up

There you have it! Those are ten of the best manifestation books out there, that will help you better understand the law of attraction and guide you on the path of becoming an efficient manifestor of your own desires and aspirations. If you truly want to unravel the potential of manifestation, these books are sure to set a strong foundation and base for this purpose!