From Thought to Action: Learn How to Manifest Your Dreams

As children, we often heard others wishing us to grow up and “make our dreams come true”. We heard it so many times that it became a cliché. But if you stop and look at it, the saying has a deep, ancestral meaning that few acknowledge: in life, you CAN get what you wish for the most, you CAN manifest your dreams IF you really want it.

So, is it all obtainable? Can you turn your deepest desires into reality?

If you look at all the successful people out there, the answer is clearly YES. The ones who are yet struggling to reach it are failing to understand their power of intention. This is a unique chance of learning how to manifest your dreams! Take it!

How to manifest your dreams


When Will My Dreams Come True?

This question is probably the first one to come to mind. Don’t worry! It is the same for everyone. We all want to wake up one day and have everything set up for us with nothing left to give us anxiety and stress. And, we all want that day to come a.s.a.p., don’t we? Unfortunately, it does not work that way.

The ones who get to manifest dreams speak of a long learning journey in which they discover the true nature of things and how to align themselves with the cosmic powers of the Universe. Mastering manifestation is not easy, but it brings astounding rewards.

You have to arm yourself with belief and patience. You must accept that everything you send out there will eventually come back to you. So, if you want to master manifestation you will need to radiate the same amount of positive energy as the one you want to receive back in various forms of success.



Manifest Your Dreams: From Thought to Action


We’ll take it step by step!

Let’s start with the first day on your way to learning how to manifest your dreams into reality.

Your daily life is a product of your thought. From the moment you wake up, you start thinking about your day ahead: the work schedule, social obligations and the irresistible desire to get back into bed.

If all these thoughts give you anxiety, stress and make you irascible, you are starting your day the wrong way.

Try to include a short session of meditation at the beginning of the day, even if it means waking up 10 minutes earlier than usual. Start every day by peacefully thinking about five things, and all in the same order:

  • What do you dislike most about the day ahead?
  • What can you do to change the way you feel about it?
  • What is your biggest dream in life?
  • Is today part of your plan to achieve that dream?
  • If not, then what can you do to change it?

The thought algorithm behind this easy meditation exercise helps you increase your awareness over your present life. It makes you be conscious about your thoughts, feelings and it motivates you to take action to improve your situation and manifest your dreams into reality. You only need ten minutes at the start of each day to improve your life.


Let’s break the exercise down with a random example.

Let’s say that you have always dreamt of becoming a renowned chef. You even attended courses of high-end gastronomy, and you spend your free time trying out your cooking skills. Unfortunately, you are stuck working in a big corporation in the accountancy department only because it felt like a safer place to be than the kitchen of a fine dining restaurant.

First off, you probably dislike almost everything work-related in the day ahead, simply because it does not fit your dream.

You can choose to change the way you feel about it by telling yourself that it is just a temporary job until you can try your hand at cooking professionally.

You already know what your biggest dream is. Now, what can you do today to make it part of the plan to achieve your lifelong dream? Well, you can figure out a savings plan that will help you to either continue your cooking studies or open your restaurant. The power is in your intention, and always within easy reach.


Final Thoughts

If you are half-way on your path to success and the last question in the exercise does not count anymore, you can replace it with gratitude. Be grateful about your success and your newfound peace of mind, which are clear signs your dreams are manifesting. Embrace every new day with positivity and more good things will come your way!