How To Ask The Universe To Help You Manifest Desire

When people first discover the Law of Attraction, they often think that they can just ask the Universe for what they want, and they will receive it. While this notion is perfectly true, there is more to it than meets the eye.

Making a plea with the cosmic forces is more than a request that you shout loudly towards the clouds. It is a process of positively manifesting your desire through pure positive thought in exchange for your dreams coming true. If you do it wrong, you might receive something you did not wish for or nothing at all.

How to ask the Universe for anything

Read on to discover how to ask the Universe for what you want, and learn how to manifest your desire in perfect harmony with the cosmical energy.


Here Are The Steps You Should Master Whenever You Want To Ask The Universe For Anything


Tune in to the universal frequency

Imagine talking to the Universe as using radio telecommunication from the old days. You need to get through all the static and reach the right frequency to make yourself heard. In this case, the frequency which the Universe uses to listen or to send its signaling answers is positivity.

Fill your mind with only affirmative thoughts and your heart with pure positive feelings. Positivity is the strongest force in the Universe and a cosmic language that goes back and forth between senders and receivers. If you want good things to happen in your life, you will need to send your positive intentions out there first.



Make your desire known

When you think and feel positive, you act positively. The Universe does not remain indifferent to your newfound power of manifestation, and it responds accordingly. You should soon notice good things and nice people coming into your life. Now, it is the right time to make your desire known to the cosmic forces out there.

Whether it is wealth, love or a better health condition, you need to let the Universe know about it. Say it out loud whenever you feel like it, and always think about it. Any plea along the lines of “I want to be rich,” “I dream of finding true love,” “I wish to be healthier” etc. is a relevant request. Just ask the Universe and you shall receive.


Visualize your reward

A great way of manifesting your desires is visualizing what your life will be like when your wildest dreams come true. If you want more money, simply think about how you are going to use it once you gain it. If you wish to find your soul mate, imagine what a day in your life as a couple would look like.

Visualizing your reward is stimulating and it forces you to take action towards reaching your objectives. Also, the image that you paint with your visualizations will serve as an excellent source of motivation for your bad days. It will keep you thinking positively and perfectly tuned in to the universal frequency.


Believe and be patient

When you ask the Universe to make your dreams come true, you might wish for it to happen overnight. Unfortunately, it does not work that way. Divine timing is not a science with results that you can predict. Your best choice is to have a belief in the universal forces at play, and patiently wait for your desires to become a reality.


Make daily affirmations

Confident people know how to ask the Universe for something. They have trust in their power of intention and the eventual reward that they will receive. Fortunately, self-confidence is a skill that you can learn and master through daily affirmations.

Take your time every day to remind the Universe and yourself about your deepest desires. Say things like “Money likes me and it will come my way,” “The love of my life is just around the corner,” “I am getting healthier with every passing day” etc.

This kind of daily affirmations helps you ask the Universe to turn your dreams into reality by revealing your confidence, your positivity, and your good intentions.