How To Use A Manifestation Board To Make Your Dreams Come True

Also known as a vision board, a manifestation board is a powerful Law of Attraction tool that can help you align with your goals and desires. Almost everyone who has ever adhered to the power of intention has used this type of display to help manifest their dreams.

If you are wondering what a manifestation board is, and how to build one, you have come to the right place! We will show you how a vision board works and how to use it to turn desire into reality.

Making and using a manifestation board (or vision board)


How To Make A Manifestation Board

To create an effective manifestation board you will need to use the power of visualization.

First off, you must set your sights on a goal. Think of your most arduous desire and how life would be like once it becomes a reality. It could be anything from manifesting money to love to a new car. If you can visualize it, you can manifest it.

Now it is time to put your manifestation board together!

Take an empty cardboard sheet the size of a regular hallway painting or a small TV set. This cardboard will be the canvas for your dreams and desires.

Next, look for anything that is connected to your goal.

Let’s say your biggest desire is to attract prosperity into your life. Depictions of things people generally associate with affluence are everywhere, such as pictures of cars and big houses, expensive jewelry, and high-end fashion clothes which you can find in magazines. Clip them out from their pages and pin them on your cardboard. With every new picture that you add you create the image of how your world will look like when you will become wealthy.



How A Vision Board Works

A vision board is a constant reminder of where you want to go, what you want to achieve and the person that you want to be. It is a physical representation of your biggest dreams and your deepest desires.

A manifestation board is a motivation you need on a bad day.

Besides images of prosperity, you can also add wealth affirmations to your vision board. If you find quotes about manifesting money anywhere in books or magazines, clip them out and glue them on the manifestation board. When you feel that you are far from your goal, and anxiety creeps in, just check out your handmade manifestation board to remind yourself of your destination and goals!


How To Use A Manifestation Board

A vision board is a celebration of your strongest desires and of your inner power. It is not something that you hide away, but a mirror of your dreams that you keep in plain sight. Place the manifestation board in your living area, next to your bed or the TV to have a constant reminder of what you want to manifest in your life.

A manifestation board is an accountant of your progress.

As your power of manifestation grows, you will notice the visible steps that you take towards your destination. Take small things that remind you of your progress and pin them on the vision board, which will become a living account of your journey.


Summing Up

The manifestation board is a powerful tool to help you attract the things you desire most in life. Having it in plain sight, and peeking at it every now and then, will refresh your train of positive thoughts, and remind you of your final goals and aspirations. It will act as a silent reminder of what you truly wish for, and it will help your whole being to align with your desires! You should definitely try and make one for yourself to motivate you on your journey!