How To Manifest Reality

Living a life with intention means you’re creating your own reality with every decision you make because your decisions lead you to places you actually want to be. Intention will lead you to manifest reality in a satisfying way, by having a job you love for example, or doing things you enjoy, and being with people who make you happy.

All the things that may have felt out of reach at one point are now within your grasp as long as you have intention. But not only that. Intention is brought to life by everything you do, every thought you have and every word you speak.

How to manifest realuty


How To Manifest The Reality You Desire

The things you pay attention to are the ones that manifest in your life, they’re the ones that grow stronger. The things you neglect wither and die. In other words, attention is what allows you to turn your intentions into reality.

If you want to start manifesting your reality today, the first thing you need to do is be certain of what you want. Indecision will be the death of your intention because it makes it impossible for you to focus your attention on one thing at a time. If you don’t know what you want to manifest, then that’s the first thing you need to determine before you do anything.


Be Specific In Your Desires To Manifest Reality The Way You Want It

If you’ve tried to manifest your reality with broad desires and statements to no avail, then it’s no wonder it didn’t work! Remember the universe is working with you and it supports you, but it won’t respond to obscure desires and murky visions. You need to be certain, clear and determined about what you want to manifest so that the universe can assist you properly and more effectively.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want, you need to know why you want it. Determining the motivation behind your intentions is key if you want to manifest your reality. Intentions need a foundation of love, happiness, and overall positivity. That means that intentions shouldn’t come from fear, insecurities or unfounded ambition.



Detach From The Outcome – Focus On The Path

Now that you know these things, the next step is to become unattached from the outcome. This may seem counterproductive, but bear with me for a second. You need to understand that what you’re lacking is not the desire itself, but the feeling that obtaining the desire will bring you. And that feeling can come from anywhere, but if you’re attached to that outcome you want so much, you can miss it.

Being unattached to your desires even if you know what they are will allow opportunities to flow freely into your life and it will also allow you to take those opportunities and experience the feelings of fulfillment, happiness, self-worth, etc., that you’re looking for. Even if they don’t present themselves the exact way you expect them to!


Summing Up

Last but not least, if you want to manifest your reality, you need to start doing the things that you’d do if you already had what you wanted. “Fake it until you make it,” as the saying goes. Live your life in a way that brings you in alignment with your desires!

If you want to manifest easier, you could also check out different ways to help you along the way, such as making a manifestation box, or a vision board, or using crystals that can help attract and manifest things.