5 Simple Steps To Attract Money By Using The Law of Attraction

Life can be better if you adopt a positive attitude and choose to focus on your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Money and the law of attraction go hand in hand, in this case. When you embrace positivity, you attract your way the things that you desire most in life. If being wealthy is what you aspire most to, you can learn how to attract money by using these five simple steps:

How to attract money with the law of attraction


How To Attract Money Using The Law Of Attraction


Focus All Your Thoughts On Money

The Law of Attraction is simple: you get what you focus on the most. You attract whatever you choose to channel your energy into, and it works best when you do it wholeheartedly. So, if you want money, you will have to focus every particle of thought in your head towards cash, affluence and wealth.

You have to think about money day in and day out. The more you concentrate on making more money, the more cash will come your way. You can attract money when all your thoughts and actions work towards a single goal, which in your case is becoming richer than you are now.

Make a habit of keeping a short, simple diary. Write down every evening what you did that day to attract more money, and answer these simple questions:

  • Did you think enough about richness?
  • Did you work hard enough to earn more cash?
  • Have you looked into other means of additional income?

This routine can enhance your focus, and help you be more conscious in your endeavor. Additionally, it will enable you to be creative and find alternative ideas on how to attract money.



Change Your Attitude About Money

If you believe that rich individuals are bad people or that they are undeserving of their wealth, you will never learn how to use the law of attraction for money. You need to think positive about cash, richness, and abundance.

People who have been struggling with poverty all their lives have a generally bad opinion about wealth and rich people. They are the ones who say “Money is the root of all evil.” You need to let go of this kind of attitude if you want to attract more cash into your life.

Money is not evil when you need to buy medication, food or pay the utilities. There is nothing demonic about funding a charitable cause, and surely it is not the devil’s tool when you share it with your friends and family. Money is the freedom to make yourself and others happy. Once you start thinking about it that way, you will find it easier to attract it into your life.


Visualize Yourself Spending That Extra Cash

As it is the case with everything you wish when you use the law of attraction, you need to set up some goals on what you will do with the money you attract. Think of a budget and visualize yourself spending it.

Try focusing on acquiring things and experiences that make you happy and fulfill you. It could be anything from a new car to traveling to funding your hobby for vintage photography.

This exercise will fuel your ambition to enhance your income. It will help you focus more on money and the law of attraction that will bring it in your way.


Make Money Work For You

Here is where you discover the practical way of manifesting money in your life. Daydreaming about being rich will not get you there if you do not alternate it with real work. Find an activity that fuels your bank account and your desire for wealth and focus on it every day.

You already know that money and the law of attraction are inseparable if you embrace positivity and act accordingly. Focus your entire energy and time you spend at work into making more money. Use your free time to think about new means of income, and the day when you can afford paying for all your dreams will get closer to you.


Show Respect To Your Money

Now that you know how to manifest money in your life, you should show your hard-earned cash some respect. All the bills in your wallet and your six-figure bank account are now real because you used positivity and hard work in gaining them. Stopping that attitude will bring you straight back to the starting line.


Summing Up

Most people who go from rags to riches and then back to rags forget about what made them wealthy in the first place. Do not lose your focus on money, and treat it with respect and appreciation to increase its amount and subsequently enhance your value. Now you know the relationship between money and the law of attraction and you are a bit more aware about how to help yourself manifest your desires. You can also expand your perspective on this and other similar topics by checking out other articles on our site.