Learn How To Manifest A Job And Kick-Start Your Dream Career

Changing your job is never easy. It is a life-altering decision that comes with plenty of stress, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. Because of these strong feelings, some people never leave their current workplace. You can go against the tide and manifest a job that is closer to your dream profession and put your desire for a better life before any discouraging emotions.

How to manifest a job.

If you want to leave your current workplace or simply try your hand at a new profession, you have come to the right place. Follow our guide on how to manifest a new job and turn your dream into reality!


Be Thankful!

If you are manifesting a new job at the moment, you are in one of these two situations: employed or unemployed. Whichever it is, you are clearly not satisfied with how your life is going currently. And, why should you be? As most people out there, you are driven by the desire to aim higher, reach further and improve your life for the better.

The first step into attracting a new job in your life starts with gratitude.

If you are currently employed, you should be grateful for having one and for the salary that keeps you above the breadline. You should also appreciate yourself for the skills that earned you that position and for your ambition to succeed. As many newly-fired workers out there would tell you: keeping a job is never easy.

On the other hand, if you are unemployed at the moment, you should be grateful for the spare time that you have on hand. Use that time to improve your skills, to explore different career opportunities or even to set straight certain aspects of your life that you have postponed so far. Once you will get your dream job, you will find it difficult to make the time for other activities that you could easily engage in now.



Think About Your Best Qualities In Order To Manifest A New Job

When they have to manifest a job, most people focus on their professional flaws. They start remembering some of the failed work projects, and soon enough they start believing that they do not deserve a promotion or a better-paying position.

If you want a new job, you need to think about your best qualities. Focus on what makes you a valuable employee and the traits that make you a good, reliable co-worker. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your professional evolution like the collaborations you spurred and fortified over the years. You are well-worthy of a new and exciting job. Don’t ever think otherwise!


Make A List Of Your Desired Jobs That You Want To Manifest

Whether you are looking for a promotion or a job that would take you out of the unemployment line, you should write down the jobs or positions that you would be willing to accept.

Prioritize them according to your passions and desires, even if you don’t have the skills for those jobs yet. Focus on your chances of obtaining your dream work position, and what you need to do to get closer to it.


Visualize Yourself At The New Job

Continue to manifest a job by visualizing what your day would look like if you already had it. Picture yourself in the work environment that that job would allow, and how you would interact with your co-workers or your employer. The more you repeat this exercise the bigger the chances of attracting your dream job will be.


Use Daily Affirmations

Don’t forget to make daily affirmations when manifesting a job! Take the time every day to say out loud powerful phrases such as:

  • I am worthy of a better job
  • I welcome a salary raise
  • My dream job is just around the corner
  • I am strong enough to get out of unemployment
  • A new and better job is coming my way
  • My career is steadily moving in the right direction

This kind of affirmations may improve the odds of getting a promotion at your current workplace or of finally finding that dream job that you have been working for all your life. Check out some useful wealth affirmations too, if you want.


Manifest A Job Offer

You can easily manifest a job offer once you focus on your positive traits as a worker. When you get the confidence to visualize yourself in a new job and make daily affirmations you get closer to your career goal.

To learn quickly how to manifest a job offer you need to get to work ASAP. Make a list of your desired jobs, see what skills you are missing and seek to acquire them. Keep into account that you might fail a few job interviews at first, but that should not bring you down. The only reason you don’t get those positions is that you are strongly manifesting a better job opportunity later down the road.