How To Get What You Want In Life Using Manifestation

If you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in manifesting the life you want and you’ve seen it work for other people. However, you feel like you’re missing something, like you don’t understand manifestation enough to make it work.

To help you, here are the necessary steps to manifest anything you want. They will be of great help if you truly want manifestation to work, so let’s get started!

How to get what you want in life using manifestation and the law of attraction


1. Be Certain Of What You Want

If you’re uncertain of what you want, you won’t be able to take the steps to manifest. The first thing you need to do is know what you want and be very clear and specific. Being clear on the details is important for your manifestation to be tailored to you.

To do that, make a list of up to 25 things you wish to manifest and be positive and specific about the attributes. Think of it as making a search online, the more specific you are, the more effective your manifestation will be.



2. Ask The Universe

Once you’ve put your list together, what you need to do is start asking the universe for what you want. If the universe knows what you want, it can help you more efficiently. By not asking, you’re leaving the universe to guess what you truly want. In other words, you’re leaving your desires up to chance and that’s not what we want.

Asking the universe for something can be done in many ways, whether that’s through prayer, visualization, meditation, vision boards or many other things. Ask the universe for what you want once a day and you’ll see that it will respond. The clearer you are, the better!


3. Do Your Part Of The Work Too

Manifesting is all about working together with the universe in order to attract what you want. That means you can’t just ask for something and then do nothing. You need to work for your goals so you can increase your chances. If the prospect of working for a goal doesn’t motivate you to do it, then you probably need to revise your goals.

Make sure you’re doing something every day to further your goals. Sit down every day and write down at least three things you can do that will bring you closer to what you want. If you don’t know what to do, go online and look for information to help you. It’s likely that other people has struggled with the same goals and they’ve probably written about it.


4. Trust The Process

When you’re working towards a goal, there are days where nothing goes well and you wonder how much longer you’ll have to do what you’re doing. These are days you doubt the process and doubts will discourage and frustrate you. If you’re struggling and wondering how much longer, you’re not trusting manifestation.

Whenever you find yourself feeling this way, remind yourself that you’re getting closer to your goals with every little thing you do and that the universe allows this. Repeat this in your head until it gives you the strength to continue.


5. Receive & Acknowledge

The universe always has your back but it’s easy to overlook that. That’s why receiving what you get and acknowledging is such an important part of the process. When you do that, the universe will continue providing.

A great way to keep track of this is to write everything down. When the day ends, sit down and think about the things that happened that brought you closer to what you want. They can be big or small, but the important thing is that you notice!


Final Thoughts On Getting What You Want In Life Using Manifestation

Manifesting the life you want takes practice and knowledge, and that’s what I want you to take away today! These steps on how to manifest the life you want and how to attract what you want will make the process a bit easier for you, so make sure to practice them.