Lose Weight Through Manifestation And The Law Of Attraction

In today’s society, we are encouraged to focus on fast cars, fast phones, fast Internet, fast food and even fast weight loss. While some of the above are things we couldn’t envision our lives without, fast weight loss, aided by some mysterious teas or powders, is not sustainable in the long run. However, it is said that the body will follow the mind. And how do you lose weight by using your mind? You manifest weight loss!

How to manifest weight loss


What Is Weight Loss Manifestation?

Manifestation, or also known as the law of attraction, is a technique which suggests that our thoughts, whether they are negative or positive, materialize and become our new reality. Simply put, whatever you think about will soon become what you get.

Have you ever thought how much the negative thoughts impacted your weight gain? It all began with one pessimist thought and then the pile became bigger and bigger, until the weight gain started to manifest. This is why you need to take a minute and analyze how you speak to yourself. How many thoughts in a day bring you down? Too many, isn’t it?  Fortunately, the thoughts that determined your weight gain can be reversed to manifest weight loss.



How To Manifest Weight Loss?

Manifesting weight loss begins by showing your body the true love and gratitude it deserves.  If you come to think about it, your body does a lot of things for you, from streaming blood to your heart, to keeping your brain active and well, so start saying thank you.

Another action you can take to manifest weight loss is to remove any obstacles standing in the way of achieving your dream body. Whether we are talking about negative friends, who have a tendency to comment on your current weight, or starring at online slim models on Instagram and thinking “I will never look like her”, they all have to go. Start by unfollowing those perfect, slim Kylie Jenner type of models and tell your friends you need a break. Right now!

Switch your thoughts to ask the Universe for what you want. Instead of saying “I have a lot of fat around my belly”, start with “I want a flatter stomach”. Incorporate mantras in your daily routine and truly believe that what you ask for is what you will get. You cannot manifest weight loss if you are doing this with half-hearted.

Finally, begin to visualize the results. You have dropped the weight you wanted. How does that make you feel? Happy? Inspired? Eager to learn more?  And what is the new you thinking and doing to sustain this new self? Maybe joining a new gym program or eating a lot of veggies?

While manifesting weight loss is a great aid in your journey, relying simply on the law of attraction to get the desired results is not the only thing to do. The Universe will provide you with tips and hints on getting there, so you better be ready to listen. And also, be ready to help yourself manifest your weight loss by changing or adapting not only your thoughts, but also your food intake. It is a universal truth that we are what we eat. So, take that into consideration when you learn how to manifest weight loss.


Summing Up

In conclusion, in order to manifest weight loss, you must break your mind’s barriers and embrace the person you currently are. Ask the universe for help, and you shall receive it. Work with your mind to change your body and weight. Only then, you can evolve into a better version of yourself.